Competitive Program

ICON Competitive Program
Learn, Perform, Succeed
At ICON we strive to educate your dancer to reach their fullest potential. In the competitive program they will learn everything they need to perform onstage with a team, a partner or themselves. Each member of the team must audition at one of our audition events held once per season. Times to be announced. Individuals will be expected to adhere to the ICON Competitive Program rules as laid out in our handbook.
To Audition for the competitive team, please fill out an audition form and return it by email, or in the office by September 21st 2024. This will ensure your spot in the auditions for this season. Forms will be available starting in August 2024. Auditions are held on October 5th 2024

Basic Competition Requirements
Minimum Class
All dancers participating in the Competitive Program at the junior 2 level or below must take a minimum of 1 Ballet class and 1 Jazz class (Ballet or Jazz classes may not be mandatory if competing in Hip Hop, Tap or 6 years old and younger). Dancers must attend one or more Choreography Class(es) in their training. (Contemporary, Lyrical, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop and/or Acro). Classes must be attended until the end of the competition season. At the Pre intermediate or higher level dancers must take 2 Jazz, 1 Ballet and at least one choreography class. It is vital to have dancers training continuously in order to maintain skills and techniques required in the program.
Maximum Class Absence
Dancers in the Competitive Program must not miss more than 5 classes unexcused throughout the year. Classes missed for illness, Family Emergencies or extenuating circumstances will not count towards missed class total.
Rehearsals and